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Well, the media is continuing to pretend that the most important issue facing this nation, our species, and our planet-- climate change-- simply doesn't exist. The debate the other night was just the latest example. If Hillary Clinton hadn't brought the subject up herself, it wouldn't have been mentioned at all. Lester Holt never uttered a peep about it.

Why is it that the media simply can't bring themselves to discuss this issue? Are they really in the pocket of the Exxon-Mobils and the Koch brothers? Is it just not sexy enough, doesn't draw ratings, too long-term, too depressing? Too REAL? Increasingly, I lay the blame for our failure to deal with climate change at the foot of the media. They simply don't want to talk about it.


the planetarian agenda

1. Planetary consciousness needs to become a part of day-to-day life. For starters, there should be   a picture of the planet should be in every classroom.

2. We have a climate emergency. We need:

a carbon tax

population control. Couples should be limited to two children (‘2 Child Max’), single women to one child (‘1 Child Max’), except in extraordinary cases.

3. A planetarian culture will be heavily based in math, science, and technology. Literature will be less important. An understanding of basic arithmetic should be essentially universal by the end of elementary school. Specifically, this will include mastery of the multiplication tables between 1 and 10, which will give students the confidence to go further in math.


planetary consciousness

Planetary consciousness should become a part of day-to-day life. Every classroom should have a poster of planet Earth in it. Maybe we should even have some kind of planetary version of the Pledge of Allegiance.


surplus population

The media refers to all these people flooding the southern borders of Europe and this country as 'economic migrants.' I think it'd be more accurate to say that the countries they come from are simply exporting their surplus populations. Given that these countries basically have subsistence agriculture economies, you can plot on a graph how many people per acre they can support-- and it's way fewer than these countries actually have! You can only divide the family plot up so many times before the young'uns can't survive on the postage stamp they've been allotted.

We need to withhold foreign aid from these countries until they come up with and implement a plan to control their populations so they don't have an excess.