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the inhofe file

I have decided that I'm going to spend as much time and energy as I can to try to get Sen. James Inhofe removed as chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

People say that a main reason for preventing the building of the Keystone XL pipeline is that building it will indicate that we're simply not really serious about doing anything about global warming, that we're just going to go after every last drop of oil, no matter where it is or how dirty it is.

I feel the same way about Senator Inhofe.  If we allow him to continue to chair this committee, which deals most directly with climate change, it will indicate that we simply are not serious in trying to bring about political change to deal with this issue.  I don't have financial resources to put into this, but I don't think that's important.  What I do have is time, so in the weeks and months ahead I'll be investing as much of it as I can into getting Sen. Inhofe out of that position.  He's simply got to go.