I'm still getting a fair number of hits on these blogs, but still no comments or conversations. Therefore, I'm going to stop posting here and henceforth will only be posting on my 'flyoverlandia' blog,
' . . . The one thing to keep in mind, through it all.'
I'm still getting a fair number of hits on these blogs, but still no comments or conversations. Therefore, I'm going to stop posting here and henceforth will only be posting on my 'flyoverlandia' blog,
I've been getting a lot of hits on these blogs lately, from all over the world, but no responses or followers. Any comments? Click on the post, and a comment box will come up. I'd like to get a conversation started.
'. . . The one thing to keep in mind, through it all.'
This modest (but hopefully inspiring) little tract is available on Amazon as both ebook & paperback. Contains breathtaking nighttime NASA images of whole regions of the planet.
'Step back and look down.'
I've been getting a lot of hits lately from Singapore. Do any of you have comments or questions?
Only human beings have mathematical-logical ability to any significant degree. Only human beings, for example, can hold perfect geometric forms in their minds' eye. Does any other species have this ability? Why do we?
I call this the divine spark. It is this ability that is the basis
of science and technology and our beginning exploration of the cosmos. It is
this ability that has created our fabulous standard of living. It's not that we
walk upright and have jointed thumbs that makes us so different and special;
it's this mysterious ability to understand and manipulate physical reality. Why
do we alone have this? What is our responsibility in using it? It almost makes
you think there’s a God.
The media should be covering climate change the way they covered World War II, as an ongoing crisis being covered on a daily basis. All these natural disasters should be treated like battles in a war, battles we are losing in a war we are losing.
One could say that the tide is turning when greenhouse emissions have plateaued and started going down. But even then, the consequences will be with us for decades, maybe centuries. It would be as if Europe and Japan had just continued to lie in ashes after WW II.
#MediaClimate #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency
The media are simply not doing their job in reporting on climate change. This has been brought to my attention in recent days by two separate incidents.
First, about a thousand climate scientists around the world engaged in acts of civil disobedience in a desperate attempt to get the message out about the seriousness of climate change. This got just about zero press coverage.
Then there was the ridiculous disparity in coverage between the Will Smith/Chris Rock nonsense and the release of the IPCC Working Group 3 report on climate change mitigation. This rich piece of show-biz gossip got about 100-- or was it 1,000?-- times as much coverage as the latter. Absurd.
The media continue to deal with climate change as if it were of interest only to some minor demographic called 'environmentalists.' This has got to STOP!
Bill McKibben is right. We should use Putin's energy blackmail as a rationale to begin the Big Pivot away from fossil fuels.
'So now is the moment to remind ourselves that, in the last decade, scientists and engineers have dropped the cost of solar and windpower by an order of magnitude, to the point where it is some of the cheapest power on Earth. The best reason to deploy it immediately is to ward off the existential crisis that is climate change, and the second best is to stop the killing of nine million people annually who die from breathing in the particulates that fossil fuel combustion produces. But the third best reason – and perhaps the most plausible for rousing our leaders to action – is that it dramatically reduces the power of autocrats, dictators, and thugs.'
Well, the newest IPCC assessment of climate change has come out, and it ain't pretty:
This report puts things in pretty stark perspective. The UN Secretary General calls it 'Code Red' for the planet.